Five DIY Gifts For Your Valentine

Five DIY Gifts For Your Valentine

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DIY Gifts Your Valentine will Love

For some, Valentine’s Day is considered to be nothing more than a “Hallmark Holiday”. That is, a holiday that serves no other purpose besides boosting card and candy sales. To others, it is a holiday dedicated to reminding your loved one(s) how special they are to you! I can safely say, that I fall into the second group-I love Valentine’s Day! This is not just a day to celebrate my relationship with my boyfriend, but to celebrate the love that I have for my friends and family, too! Any excuse to spoil my loved ones, is okay by me! When I say “spoil”, I don’t mean that I shower them with lavish gifts, because as I mentioned before, it’s the little things that mean the most! Here are a list of “little” things that I believe will have a big impact on your Valentine this year:

1. The Jar of Hearts

This idea is perfect for not only showing your Valentine that you love them, but telling them! All you need is a jar, which you can then decorate however you want, and thin strips of paper! Write a reason why your loved one is so special to you, then roll the paper starting at both ends toward the middle. By the time the ends meet in the middle, a heart will be formed! There are a number of ideas based off of this same concept, so there’s plenty of room for creativity! This truly is a gift that keeps on giving, as it will be great for your loved one to keep around to put a smile on their face whenever one is needed.

2. Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt

I absolutely LOVE this idea! I’m actually going to be doing this for my own boyfriend this year (shhh…don’t tell!) and cannot wait to see the wheels turning in his head to solve my riddles! Send that special someone on a hunt to decipher what memory you might be referring to! This can be done by sending them around your town, or even just around your house! This idea might require you to get the creative juices flowing, but the end result will be a blast for both of you!

3. 12 Months of Dates

Starting this month, plan ahead for a date for every month for one whole year! Sometimes life can get a little busy, forcing you to push date nights off the agenda to make room for other obligatory tasks. By making plans well in advance, you will have plenty of time to schedule around it, ensuring that you and your sweetheart will always have something to look forward to together! The best part is, next Valentine’s day, you can start it all over again!

4. These Are a Few of Their Favorite Things!

What better treat for your love, than a bag filled of what they love (besides you, of course)! These gifts do not have to be anything spectacular, just some of their favorite things that will show them how much you appreciate them! You can stuff the bag with baked treats, or a sweet note, and maybe some other knick-knacks that might represent significance to your relationship.

5. The ABC’s of Us

While you and your loved one are constantly making new memories, it is important to reminisce on the old ones too! “The ABC’s of Us”, is an incredibly sweet way to do so! Starting with “A”, create a card, or a piece of paper, with a memory written on it that begins with this letter! Continue on all the way until you get to the letter “Z”! There will then be a nice book, filled with twenty-six of your most meaningful memories. Taking a trip down memory lane together, is a great way to be reminded of how you got to be where you are today!

Source: Browzer

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