What are Flour Sack Towels?

Homemakers have enjoyed using flour sacks for generations. At Cotton Creations, we’ve brought back this time-honored essential in its dish towel form with our line of Flour Sack Towels! These vintage towels are pre-washed, 100% Cotton, and lint-free. Further, these flour sacks can be used for any number of household tasks. Below lists just a few ways to utilize a floursack towel:

Cleaning with Lint Free Towels Since Flour Sack Towels are super soft, completely lint-free, absorb like paper towels, and dry faster than normal kitchen towels, they add unsurpassed sparkle to dishes, glassware, and windows. Even better, they make superb dusting cloths because they leave no lint behind!

Cooking with Flour Sacks Flour sack towels have many culinary uses. Because there is no dye applied to flour sacks, they are extremely safe to use around foods. For generations, cooks have used flour sack towels for poaching and straining foods, cheese making, proofing bread, dehydrating fruits, and even keeping salads fresh for hours! Further, they are considered gourmet towels amongst chefs and professionals everywhere. When you see a towel over a chef’s shoulder or tucked in an apron, the chances are very likely it’s a flour sack towel.

Polishing and Staining: Made Easy with Lint Free Towels Lint free and soft to the touch, flour sack towels are great alternatives to polishing furniture and staining wood because they leave no lint behind. As opposed to using T-Shirt cloths, flour sack towels are washable and can be used again and again.

Flour Sack Towels Work Great for DTG Printing and At-Home Craft Projects Since our floursack towels are pre-washed, pre-shrunk, and non-raveling, crafters have found them to be wonderful for painting, iron-on appliqué, stamping, and many other craft projects as well.

At Cotton Creations, we’re proud to be bring you the same truly old-fashioned, all-cotton weave towel that Grandma knew best. Try them out and see for yourself how great these towels truly are!